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How Long Will a Refinished Floor Last?

According to This Old House, hardwood finishes normally last for a decade, and hardwood can be finished multiple times, making it appear new time and time again. But how long will they last if you have pets? How long will they last when poorly maintained? Below are a few factors that’ll impact how long your refinished floors last.

Environmental Factors

Your refinished floors will last longer if they are well-maintained and taken care of. The environment that your floor is in will play a major role in how long it lasts. Humidity, temperature, and direct sunlight can cause the finish to wear away faster. When you’re not home, it’s best to keep your curtains or blinds closed so direct sunlight doesn’t affect your flooring.


How well the floors are cared for will also affect their lifespan. Regular sweeping and mopping will help prevent scratches and wear. You should also be sure to avoid using harsh cleaners or cleaning pads, instead opting for a cleaner specifically formulated for hardwood. For your home’s entryway, it’s best to get a welcome mat so your family and visitors to wipe off their shoes and take them off before entering the rest of your home. This way, you don’t have to worry about shoes scratching your floor! Lastly, adding felt pads to furniture can help cut down on scrapes caused by movement.

Attempted DIY Jobs

If you decided to refinish your floors yourself in the past, it won’t last nearly as long as it would if you hired professionals. Poorly-done DIY jobs can cause more damage than good, resulting in a finish that will fade quickly. Save yourself time and money by seeking out a professional who is experienced in floor refinishing. Doing so can ensure that your floors last longer!


Having pets in the home will also affect the lifespan of your floors. Nails and claws can scratch the finish, causing it to wear away faster. To prevent this, regularly trim your pet’s nails and keep them off of furniture with sharp edges. You should also consider using area rugs in high-traffic areas to keep your refinished floors looking fresh.

With proper maintenance, your floor refinishing will last a long time. Keep these factors in mind after you’ve had your floor refinished by our team here at Dustless Hardwood Floors LLC! To schedule a consultation, call us today.

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